How To Build A Gun Safe Room In Your New Home

At first glance, it might seem difficult to build a gun safe room in your new home. And if you are imagining this room as a concrete bunker with high-tech vault doors, it most definitely is that. However, you can opt for a more reasonable option and make building such a room surprisingly straightforward. To do so, you need to have a clear idea of what you are building and how the process will go (from planning to execution). So, to help you out, we will cover the must-know aspects of gun safe rooms and how to implement them.

Prepare for building a gun safe room in your home

Once you take a closer look at it, you will see that a gun safe room is quite a broad term. It can range from having a walk-in storage room for your guns with a tad more safety to full-blown bunkers with utilities and supplies to facilitate long-term survival. Therefore, it is crucial to figure out what you need before you start building. Once you do that, it will be much easier to do further research and make a comprehensive plan.

It is incredible what people can put in their bunkers.

What kind of a gun safe room are you building?

The primary question is what you need your room for. Depending on where you are situated and how worried you are about your safety, different ones will suit your needs. Although there are no standard categories, we will give you a couple of ideas of what a gun safe room can be:

A walk-in gun closet with a locked door

Ideal if you want to store your guns in a safe place. You can further ensure your safety by keeping your firearms in a safe with a combination lock.

A basic room with a safety door where you will store guns

Combing gun storage and a safe room makes perfect sense when you think about it. This option is ideal if you are worried about a potential break-in. Here you can hide for a couple of hours, which is more than enough for the police to arrive.

A safety room with long-term live-in capabilities

This is the kind of safe room you can use for break-in protection and hiding place from storms or general catastrophes. In most cases, this is a basement converted into a living room with plumbing, ventilation, electricity, the internet, and food. Depending on the size of the room and the number of people living with you, you can huddle up in here for quite some time.

You can consider storing food when you build a gun safe room in your new home.

A concrete bunker with full survival capabilities

Here we are talking about a full doomsday preparation kind of room. If you have the money and the space for it, you can create a full concrete bunker that produces its own electricity and collects rainwater. Some bunkers have substantial storage capabilities. So, if you are really looking for a safe place, this is the way to become practically untouchable.

Storing guns

If you are new to storing guns, it is essential to note that safety and hygiene are paramount. If your weapons are to function properly, you need to keep them clean and well protected from humidity and dust. It is also of the utmost importance that they are out of reach for little kids and that bullets are kept separate. For safety reasons, you can keep a magazine or a clip nearby. But, under no circumstance should you store a loaded gun. Doing so is just an accident waiting to happen. Moreover, if you are moving to a new home, make sure to have problem-free transport as a small mishap can easily lead to a disaster.

Build a gun safe room in your new home – step by step

For the sake of this article, we are going to assume that you are converting a standard room into a gun safe room by making a couple of adjustments and installing safety doors. As per cost vs. safety benefits, this option is the biggest bang for your buck. This also makes it one of the most popular ones when it comes to storing a lot of guns, at least in the U.S. If you are more interested in a larger, more complicated safety room, we suggest that you talk with a professional contractor.

Picking the right room

Any spare bedroom can potentially be a gun safe room. We would recommend that you pick the one closest to your bathroom, as that usually makes plumbing a lot easier. You can also choose to convert your basement, as it adds an extra layer of protection by being underground. Again, in case of relocation, once you decide which room to designate for this purpose, always start by decluttering. That way, you will have a much easier time planning the future layout and restructuring. When it comes to storing and transporting items to your new place, remember that there are various options you can go for to make your experience easier.

Choosing the door

Safety doors can range from $600 to $5000 and higher. Our advice is to pick one around $1500, as they are the safest average. Keep in mind that you might have to alter your wall to fit the door. So, consult with a professional contractor before you go door shopping.

A decent safety door is practically impossible to get into.

Installing protection

Walling up your windows is always a good idea, but first, ensure that you have an adequate ventilation system. Steep plating can be a good idea, as well as kevlar panels to help protect from potential attacks. But, know that these materials can be quite heavy. So, when you build a gun safe room, ensure that the structure can handle the extra weight before you start adding it. Another good idea is to install an extra gun safe in your safe room. Here you can keep your valuable documents, as well as some of your guns.


  1. Alice Carroll on November 17, 2020 at 12:54 am

    It’s interesting to know that there are very advanced doors that can provide a lot of security for my gun safe. I’m planning to start browsing for gun safe for my home soon because I am a bit uncomfortable about how I hide my gun in a drawer. Making it harder to access will make me a more responsible gun owner.