ATF Consulting With Biden Team To Enact Bans

While the court battles over control of the Whitehouse continues, the leadership of the ATF has already started working with the Biden transition to restrict American’s gun rights further.

Biden will not officially become the president-elect until the election results are certified. Although the former Vice President has claimed victory, Trump has pointed to widespread voter fraud.

Rudy Giuliani showed that Will Smith’s long-dead grandfather and deceased boxer Joe Frazier voted in the election.

November 10th, 2020, during an ATF conference call, Acting Director Regina Lombardo told those in attendance that the anti-gun Biden transition team has reached out to the ATF to get the agency’s “top priorities”.

AmmoLand News’ anonymous source said Lombardo told those on the call that her priorities would be pistol braces and 80% lower receivers.

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