Hold It Right, Shoot It Right

A proper gun grip is essential! Your gun must become an extension of your arm and your hand. Gun grip effects your sighting (aim), your balance, your ability to work the hammer (on a revolver) to pull the trigger, to work a safety mechanism (if your gun has one), to absorb much of the recoil with as little discomfort as possible and your safety. Think about it this way, your gun replaces the finger in pointing (or aiming) at an object. There are some slight differences between the proper grip for a revolver and that of a semiautomatic gun.

For self-defense, a two-handed gun grip is always better. It is however recommended to get comfortable gripping and shooting your gun one handed as well, in both dominant and non-dominant hands. This is in the event you are somehow disabled and forced to shoot one-handed. So getting comfortable and proficient with a proper gun grip in both hands is necessary.

Read the rest of the article: https://thewellarmedwoman.com/training-handling/proper-gun-grip/