Shopify Goes Anti-Gun

A change in policy announced Monday night by Shopify, an e-commerce platform used by more than 600,000 merchants to conduct online sales, will essentially shut down the sale of guns, gun parts and accessories over the internet by retailers who use Shopify.

Spike’s Tactical, a Florida-based gun manufacturer, has built their entire website and online sales portal exclusively using the Shopify platform and conducts millions of dollars in sales through Shopify each year.

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  1. Anna Trump on August 20, 2018 at 11:52 am

    #DumpShopify Movement

    Gun Rodeo is disappointed and troubled by Shopify’s decision to limit the constitutional rights of gun sellers on their platform.

    Our company Gun Rodeo is trying to do what we can to help the firearm industry in the e-commerce world. We have been trying to educate people for a long time about hidden anti-gun policies in tech. This is a teaching moment and we would like to explore possibilities about partnering with The Weapons Blog to do a news article about tech and its hidden anti-gun agenda.