The Evolution of Weaponry

Weapons have changed drastically over the years and each phase holds its own sense of beauty and artistry than before. We have always had weapons. We needed them for basic survival and for hunting. We continue to use them for protection, recreation and for entertainment. If you have never considered all the changes and artistic functional design that has gone into weaponry, we invite you to keep reading and take a trip down history lane.

The Stone Age Was Literal
The primitive man began the age of weapons, for surviving the wild and for hunting. We call it the Stone Age and when it comes to weaponry, that’s exactly what they used! Stones could be thrown to thwart off a strange animal or to fight off a neighboring tribe. They could sharpen it and use it similar to an ax that would be helpful in collecting materials for shelter, taking hides off of animals, and chopping food. Most importantly, the sharpened rock could be attached to a stick and made into a spear for protection and battle. It led to one of the most well-known weapons that we still enjoy today: the bow and arrow.

Archery and Bowhunting Were Worldwide
The bow and arrow were formed in late Paleolithic and early Mesolithic eras. It stemmed from the stone tools as we began to find new ways to use those stone weapons. What is so fascinating was how widespread the use of archery and bowhunting became at about the same time. It is widely believed that the Egyptians were the first to employ bow and arrow in warfare and for hunting. It is possible they weren’t the first but they are the first recorded peoples. Following the Egyptians were the Chinese who then introduced it to the Japanese peoples. It spread like wildfire and you can find accounts of early archers across all sorts of cultures and history books. People today still enjoy using a bow and arrow for hunting and for target practice. Top of the line supplier sites like stock the latest in archery and bowhunting technology. They also offer a more primitive range of options if one prefers. These companies do well and it doesn’t appear that archery or bowhunting will go away any time soon.

Handguns Brought Forth The Gun Revolution
Have you ever considered how long guns have existed? We know that cowboys had them based on the westerns we may have watched. But really, handguns were the beginning of the firearm and were well known across Europe in 1380. By 1630, we had flintlock rifles. Dueling pistols were popular from 1750-1850. By 1873, Winchester created and marketed their own rifle that began the rapid evolution of firearms into handguns, automatic, and semi-automatic guns that changed how we handled war and hunting the world over.

Bombs Are As Old As Dirt
When we talk about bombs, we often think of a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb. But humankind has been using them a lot longer than we realize. It has been noted that 11th century China saw the use of bamboo bombs and they moved to cast iron shells in the 12th century. They were used only for warfare, never for hunting or protection. Now we have seen all manner of bomb take the world by storm. Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, dirty bombs, and cherry bombs have been used for centuries and still used today during combat. In recent times, improvised explosives have been used by civilians rising up against tyrannical and corrupt governments. Nuclear and hydrogen bombs tend to be utilized by government militaries to achieve their goals quickly.

Weapons have changed in a myriad of ways. Many guns are now used for casual hunting or in gun ranges for entertainment. Archery clubs gather and practice or show off their skills with the bow and arrow. Museums show off the stone and swords that were used on the regular in the days of yore. Imagine what weaponry will look like in the next 100 years.