Homeland Security Adviser Demands National Gun Registry

The Obama administration has been riddled with Muslims who are anti-American in their views in key national security positions. Now, Cairo-born Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, who immigrated to the States in 1990 and worked at the FBI for 22 years is calling for a national gun registry in clear violation of the Second Amendment.

Abdel-Hafiz who is consulting Obama’s “countering violent extremism,” which should be more accurately titled, “countering Islamic terrorism,” suggested that a national gun registry be created.

He explained his anti-American, pro-Nazi thinking to WFAA.

Read the rest of the article: http://freedomoutpost.com/obamas-muslim-homeland-security-adviser-demands-national-gun-registry/


  1. Big Bill on June 30, 2016 at 10:26 am

    There is only one reason for a gun registry: confiscation.
    There is already a mechanization in use that fulfills the stated reason for such a list: the background check we all go through when we buy a gun from a licensed seller. Keeping a list of gun owners is illegal, and serves no purpose except to know who has guns. Such a list can, in no way, serve any function that would prevent a gun crime, just as having a list of all licensed drivers does not prevent DUI.