Gun Shop Owner Announces ‘Extreme Changes’ in Wake of Chattanooga, Declares Store ‘Muslim-Free Zone’

My buddy Andy made both The Blaze and the Drudge Report this morning. I believe he is going to be on both CNN and ABC later today.

A Florida gun shop owner announced on Facebook Saturday that he will no longer sell or serve to the Muslim community.

Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan said in a video uploaded to the social media platform that the “extreme changes” were made because of his “moral” duty to his country.

“Now, I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community,” Hallinan said in front of a Confederate flag. “And so effective immediately I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply a Muslim-free zone. I will not arm and train those who wish to do harm to my fellow patriots.”

Read the rest of the article:


  1. Shan on July 21, 2015 at 10:50 am

    From the article: “…the Council on American-Islamic Relations says it has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the shop is violating the civil rights of Muslims”

    Is it wrong of me to hope that the Justice Department DOES investigate and force your buddy to sell to Muslims? Because having the fed come down and DEMAND that gun shops sell guns to ANYBODY (and especially Muslims in particular) would be frigging awesome.

    Guns? Cakes? One of these is an enumerated right…