1. Aaron D. Osgood on April 15, 2013 at 10:20 am

    How many LEO’s will receive summons’ today?

  2. Browcs on April 15, 2013 at 11:15 am

    “Lucky for me, I’m in Texas and don’t have to worry about such things.”

    Unfortunately, demographics can play havoc with not having “such things” happening in places like Texas or anywhere for that matter. Colorado was formerly a “Red” state and is as Blue, politically, as New York. I fear that Texas may one day see the likes of the Castro brothers or someone in the mold of the late Gov. Ann Richards bring to Democrat Party, a “progressive” Texas helped along with the influx of former California (or other Liberal-bastion states) residents to Texas abetted by a new voting block “thanks” to the and passing of so-called “comprehensive” immigration reform.

    I pray for this Republic and free states like Texas.