Gun Owners Camp Out Early To Stock Up On Ammunition

This matches with what has been seen in my local area as well.

On a muggy Thursday morning, a line stretched outside of the College Station Academy Sports and Outdoors. The group of 30 people had started to congregate at midnight, eight hours before opening.

In Central Texas, gun owners know the places that will ration out what little ammo is available and what times they reload. In the wake of a Connecticut elementary school massacre that left 20 children dead, and the subsequent cries for gun control, the sales of firearms and ammunition has never been better. Since December, guns and ammunition have been hard to come by, even for law enforcement.

The group outside of Academy is not homogenous — some need ammo for hunting and target practice, some want to hoard it in fear of government regulations and some want to take advantage of the shortage and resale it at inflated prices. There were more pairs of overalls than women in the crowd, and at least one man wore a sports coat. Still, many shared a disdain for the government and almost all disliked the media.

Chuck, who declined to give his last name, knew a lot of the other people in line. The gun enthusiasts know the days and times the big box stores in town get their ammo shipments each week. Many in the group have formed a bond over the months waiting in line together during the early morning hours.

At Academy, each customer can only get three boxes total, and only one of each sought-after caliber — 9, 22, 40, 45, 223, 308.

The employees line the boxes of ammunition along the front register, and the anxious customers peek through the glass to see what’s in stock.

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  1. Bill Johnson on April 30, 2013 at 11:00 am

    I’ve been trying to buy a Taurus P111 G2 for over six weeks, Taurus say’s they’ve got plenty in stock but nobody seems to be able to get one. Strange? or what?