MGI Recoil Reducing Buffer

Jeff over at has one, and loves it. You can read his review at

Caleb over at also has one and has very good things to say about it. You can read his review at

I got a MGI Recoil Reducing Buffer recently as well. I haven’t had the opportunity to take it out to the range yet. I do have to say that installation was rather straight-forward. The hardest part was getting the D-Fender o-ring installed over the extractor spring and reattaching the extractor to the bolt. Look for a review of the MGI Recoil Reducing Buffer in the near future. Until then, Jeff and Caleb should have enough to satisfy you.


  1. Gunmart Blog on December 1, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    I have had good experiences with mine as well.

  2. RomeoTangoBravo on December 1, 2011 at 7:07 pm

    My MGI Buffer is still trucking along. Thanks for the link!